Thursday, November 28, 2019

Angliscisms the Use of Foreign Word Elements in German Essay Example

Angliscisms the Use of Foreign Word Elements in German Essay Student: Stephanie Korthals Date:25. 03. 2009 Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Definition 2. 1. What is a foreign word 2. 2. What is a loanword 2. 3. What is an Anglicism 2. 4. Pseudo Anglicism and Hybrid Anglicism 3. Mainstream Trends and the Corpus 4. Word formation 4. 1. Classification 4. 2. Indigen and eurolatin systems 4. 3. The foreign suffix ing 4. 4. The foreign suffix ical 4. 5. English verbs and German affixes . Conclusion 6. Bibliographie 7. Appendix 1. Introduction English seems to be everywhere and it accompanies us through our lives. Waking up in the morning, I listen to the radio. But I dislike the songs on the Hitparade. So, I turn on the CD-Player with my favourite CD. It is time to get dressed. Today is a sunny day and thus a great opportunity to wear a T-Shirt. Before leaving the house I put on my Make up, and use Haarspray to fix my new Trendfrisur. Since I dont have time to eat breakfast I stop by the Backshop to get myself a Sandwich. Arriving at work I start my Computer and update the latest Virenscanner. It is so easy, I just have to press the Enter- Taste. I still have a couple minutes time to check my E-Mails and look for a Last Minute Angebot on the Internet. Hopefully, I might be able to find some Insidertipps telling me which place is worth a visit or I just arrange a Blinddate with the person I met in the Chatroom last week. Longing for Fastfood I am on my way to find a good restaurant. But Mc Donalds or Burger King doesn’t seem an appropriate option. 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Quite a lot English words have made their way into the German language system. Some people even fear that English words constantly flood the German language, substitute its words and could finally lead to the extinction of German. Having a look at the newspaper one can find a number of English words, especially when it comes to advertisement: ,,Der Push up- BH, Magic fur Damen†, die ,,Jogginghose fur Kinder†, ,,Mildeen ® Desinfizierendes Hautgel†, das ,,Trolley- Reisekofferset† or der ,, Digitale Design Festplatten Satelliten Receiver MEDION ® LIFE  ® †are just a few examples. 1] English words or Anglicism are transferred into German either by being directly taken over, or by being combined with German word elements. This tendency seems to increase. The process of hybridization extends the possibility of creating new words because for some words there dont exist an equivalent. In my paper I therefore want to have a closer look on these processes, p articularly on affixation. Does the combination of foreign affixes and native lexemes as well as the other way around turns out to be productive? Or is it the best to stick to the old rules and create words only by means of the traditional word formation and to not pay attention to the process of hybridization? Before concentrating on the process of word formation and in particular examining the influence of English elements in the German language system, I would like to give a general definition of the most important terms. 2. 1. What is a foreign word? The term Fremdwort (foreign word) marks an expression or a word, which is taken from a language and is transferred to another one. Here, the difference to loanwords is the uniqueness of their pronunciation and spelling, as well as their original meaning, which doesnt belong to the recipient language thus doesnt make any sense. Therefore it is easy to distinguish them from native words, which are familiar to the native speakers. [2] Muhr describes the term foreign word as the following: ,,Fremdworter : Sind Worter, die in Schreibung und Aussprache dem Deutschen nicht angepasst sind oder seinen Strukturen nicht entsprechen und daher deutlich als ein neues Wort erkennbar sind. [3] 2. 2. What is a loanword ? In general, the distinction between a foreign word and a loanword is not easy to be drawn and controversial. Furthermore, there doesnt yet exist an universal differentiation of the term (Lehnwort /loanword) from the term (Fremdwort/ foreign word), as for instance Haugen [4] doesnt pay attention to the term Lehnwort, whereas German linguists are in favour of both terms. [5] From an etymological point of view both are forms that originate in a foreign language and have made their way into the recipient language. 6] Polenz differentiates these two terms by using the criteria of integration. He regards a foreign word therefore as not integrated, whereas a loanword is seen as integrated. [7] But here the definition is not quite clear and thus leaves room to focus either on sociolinguistic or structural criteria. While foreign words (Fremdworte) have kept their original form with regard to the spelling and pronunciation, loanwords (Lehnworter) have adapted morphologically, orthographically and phonologically to the receptor language in way that makes it quite effortful to recognize the difference from native word. This is regarded as one way to define and differentiate loan words and foreign words. The focus at this is on conformity, with regard to the form, while other authors do punctuate the fact that foreign words distinguish from loan words by a certain structure, as for instance Kiesler does: [†¦] a word borrowed from another language is a foreign word if the pronunciation and the spelling do not correspond to the pronunciation rules of the receiving language, while it is a loanword if they correspond to these rules. [8] 2. 3. What is an Anglicism? Anglicism signalizes the impact English exerts on other languages and therefore can be seen as a generic term. As well as loanwords, they are a result of borrowing processes, indicating a transfer of lexical elements from a source language to a receptor language. Although one can act on the assumption that all borrowings are Anglicisms, it doesnt always have to be the other way around. Not all Anglicisms are borrowings, according to Onysk o. [9] Yang defines Anglicisms in general as: Oberbegriff von Entlehnungen aus dem britischen Englisch, dem amerikanischen Englisch, sowie den ubrigen englischsprachigen Landern [ ] [10] Again, it is not quite clear and therefore debatable which category the term Anglicism belongs to and leaves room for speculations because the etymological perspective in this case, a crucial aspect for the definition, is often indistinct and thus is not a great convenience in defining Anglicisms properly. [11] On the one hand, anglicisms are seen as foreign words. But mostly they are a result of loan transfers and therefore it is not clear whether they still can be treated as foreign words. Carstensen doesnt see them as foreign words and rejects that idea. [12] Often the question arises whether Anglicisms have been directly transferred from their Source language or whether they are the result of a word creation process. (Babyboom / Snowboardboom)[13]. Barz believes that the process of Conversion (nomen -gt; verb) and derivation (Verb+ er as Nomina agentis’) [14]could be an explanation for the two different approaches of analyzing Anglicisms. Some authors consider Anglicisms as foreign words, as some authors suggest them to be treated as loanwords. Muhr, for instance, regards Anglicisms as a result of a mixed form of loanwords and foreign words. According to him, Anglicisms are of English origin, which have been introduced into the German language. But still, with regard to the orthography, Anglicisms keep their original writing and thus are recognizable of foreign nature, as for instance words with the following letters, which arent frequently used in German orthography: ,,y†(as in funky), ,,oo†, ,,c† (as in cool), ,,sh†(as in show). Muhr 2002, p. 32). Viereck on the other hand, states in his definition that Anglicisms rather fall into the category of loanwords because he recognizes the process of modification, the word has submitted. â€Å"Anglicisms [ ] are those lexical items that have infiltrated contemporary German[ ]in the original graphemic form (graphemic importance) and, as such, have un dergone certain modifications in the sphere of phonology and morphology: phonemic substitution and morphological importation. [15] The morphological adaptation to the receptor language, in this case German, would explain why some words have lost their original orthography, as for instance the word club, which is in German no longer written with /c/ but with /k/. Another example would be to clone -gt; klonen or the sketch -gt; der Sketsch. According to the definition of Viereck, the term Anglicism fits into the category of loanwords, although there might be some exceptions. [16] 2. 4. Pseudo anglicisms and Hybrid anglicisms Talking about Anglicisms, there are two other important forms exerting influence on German language. I just want to mention and shortly explain these two terms: Pseudo anglicisms and Hybrid anglicisms. â€Å"Anglicisms as (German) lexical items of English origin or borrowed from English. Pseudo-borrowings, for instance, obviously fall outside this description: German (speakers) cannot borrow from English a lexical item or a significate not attested in English. †[17] Onysko states pseudo anglicisms as elements, that have been taken over from the Source Language into the Receptor Language in order to create a new word (neologism) that is unknown in the Source Language. These words are Anglicisms by structure, but not by origin. The word Handy or Pulli would be an example for a Pseudo Anglicisms because the word handy in English denotes an adjective (meaning nutzlich) and is not to be regarded as a telephone (the English equivalent would be cell phone/ mobile phone). Pulli in the Source Language English would only been known as pullover. Hybrid Anglicisms are a combination of English words and German elements, in this case. One could describe them as units of native and borrowed morphemes. The emphasis is rather on derivational processes, including, affixation and compounding. Fairerweise combines the English adjective fair with the suffix -er and- weise , as well as herumsurfen, a combination of the German prefix herum and the English verb to surf. [18] Fleischner states that this process can be seen as a link between foreign language elements and native linguistic parts. [19] Muhr adds, that these words imitate the English language in structure an d orthography, although they dont exist in this language[20] 3. The mainstream trends: Anglicisms in German language Muhr claims that over the recent 40 years the usage and influence of anglicisms in German have increased, reaching a climax in the Nineties. Due to the high prestige and cultural dominance of English, words have entered the German lexicon mainly in thematic fields as Media, IT and film industry. [21]. Irmhild Barz seems to agree to that. She reports that there has been a tendency towards the increased use of lexical loaning since the second half of the 20th century. Here Barz stresses on the change in the lexical system of a language that always exerts an influence on its word formation. A Look at the Neologismenworterbuch 2004 indicates that 40 percent of all new words or lexemes, listed in this book, derive from English. Another 20 percent of all neologisms are hybrid anglicisms. Although the tendency towards the use of anglicisms in German language is rising, it is obvious, according to Barz, that not all words will have the potential to become an inherent part of the German vocabulary. [22] Another data research proving the quantitative impact of English on the German language has been done by Der Spiegel, comparing the total number of anglicisms (types and tokens) in 2000. The corpus consisted of 52 weekly topics, starting in January and ending in December. Therefore 8621 text pages had to be searched for English words. Fewer than 6 percent of the words listed in the corpus were of English/ American origin. More than two thirds of all anglicisms (75. 93%) are hybrid forms mainly compound nouns (53%), as Luxuskids. They turn out to be quite productive in creating new words. Only a small percentage of Anglicisms fit in to the categories of adjectives and verbs (less than 6 % each) [23] Searching my own corpus I analyzed 113 words of which 63 seem to be Anglicisms, which is more than 50 %. table 1: The occurrence of English words The majority of all words I have found in the corpus are hybrid forms, namely 55; most of them are nominal compounds. One nominal compound even consists of a Pseudo Anglicisms constituent, namely Handykomponente. I analysed only 8 words being the result of loan transfers As the Spiegel research claims, the percentage of verbs and adjectives, found in the corpus is very low, since I found no verb and only one adjective, namely aufgepixelt. Table 2: Forms of Anglicisms Analyzing the words, the dominance of nouns is obvious. Except for the adjective aufgepixelt and two examples fitting into the category of Proper Names (Schnulliwood and Aktengate), the remaining words all belong to the word class of nouns. able 3: Word Classes With regard to the thematic fields anglicisms occur in, the corpus shows a correlation between certain fields and the frequency of anglicisms. The majority of English words cluster in nouns have to do with finances and business, IT, fashion and lifestyle[24]. table 4: Thematic Fields Searching my own corpus, I can agree to this thesis. A large number of Anglicisms, namely 18 word s, fit into the category of Information Technology, as for instance the words Krypto- Framework or Catching-Konzept. This equals 29% and therefore this field represents the majority of words. 2 words, nearly 20%, belong to the thematic field of society and lifestyle, as for instance Nerd- Szene or Charity- Versteigerung. The category others includes the thematic fields of medicine, language, education and music. But since they appeared only once or twice in the corpus they dont seem to be of big importance. With reference to the word form, there exists a current trend towards zero orthographical and minimal phonological integration of English words, which have found the way into the German language. Most of them have still kept their original spelling, such as Baby, Coach, Camp, Clip, Computer and Crew. Actually, they now should have been written with /k/, instead of /c/. The results of survey by Der Spiegel, analyzing the pattern of assimilation of Anglicisms show that the trend towards adapting English words to the German orthography and phonetic has been reversed and the trend of ‘unassimilated integration’ is demonstrative. [25] English words increasingly seem to resist orthographical integration into the German language. Viereck supports this statement. Considering his corpus, he discovered a majority of English vowels that remained unaltered, when being ransferred into German. The exception would be the transliteration of ss-gt; ? an c -gt;k , man-gt; mann, and sh-gt;sch, which is used infrequently. Furthermore, Viereck notes the tendency of ie-gt;y replacement in words like Walkie-Talkiegt; Walky-Talky. Additionally, the plural form of y has not been adapted to the German language. According the English orthographical rule, y turns into -ies), when forming the pl ural. In contrast to that, in German the plural marker ‘s’ is to simply add y, So the plural of the word Party is not realized as Parties but as Partys. Analyzing the corpus, Viereck realized that the usage of hyphen, apostrophes, separated versus join spelling and the capitalization is very inconsistent. He assumes that the reason for this might be the absence of a precise definition. He finally discovered in his corpus a limited group of words, which he called hyperfalse adaptation. This includes skgt;sc in words as roller skater versus Roller Scater or kkgt;ck in words such as trekking versus Trecking. [26]. In my own corpus, the majority of words have been transferred into German without having lost their original spelling. There is an exception with the word Fernseh-Fon, which has adapted to the German spelling rules. This could be seen in words such as Off- Road-Optik and Qualifying-System. Even the transliteration of /c/ to /k/ seems to be obsolete, since nearly all words, occurring in the corpus, containing a /c/ are not longer transformed. The only two words where this process has taken place are Klonmaus and Panikroom. Words like Catnippkissen, Actionrollenspiel or Protection- Effekt stick to their original orthography. Furthermore, the tendency to take over /y/ is supported by the words I have found in my corpus. Words like Easy-Entry-System or Thirtysomething-Welt keep the /y/ instead of being replaced by an /i/. Another peculiarity is the frequent occurrence of a hyphen. 33 words out of 62, more than every second word, contain a hyphen in their spelling, as in Skull-and-Bones-Mann, Speed-Experte or Gaming-Professur. A reason for this phenomenon could be the intention to separate certain word elements and thus either marks the foreign element of this compound or to put emphasis on one of the constituents. But then again some words like Ablaufmanagement dont have a hyphen. This could be an argument for Viereck thesis about the missing precise definition. 4. Word formation From a morphological point of view, forming new words in a language can happen in several ways, either by taking over entire words from a Source Language to a Receptor Language or by adapting some foreign elements, and later combine them with native word elements. In this concrete case the focus is on the German lexical constituents. This is called hybridization, most commonly used in processes of compounding and derivation. Compounding, derivation, conversion, blending, clipping or acronyms would just serve as an example. Fleischer includes assimilated loanwords in this category. Processes of borrowing and word formation not only run parallel but they also intersect. [27] Hybridization would be such an intersection. However, with regard to Anglicisms and their influence on German present-day word formation, Seiffert claims that besides compounding, affixation is most commonly used as a way to create new words. [28] â€Å"[ ] fur die Fremdwortbildung neben den freien Lexemen [ besonders die Kombineme von Interesse. [ ] Wortbildungseinheiten, die nur in Kombination vorkommen, also nicht wortfahig sind. Dazu gehoren [ ] Affixe. † [29] I am going to focus on the process of hybrid- derivation (adding an affix to an unbound lexeme, or a n affix to a confix therefore one of the constituents has to be nonnative), especially on suffixation and prefixation. But before dealing with affixes, it is worth me ntioning that hybridization in derivational processes has a lot more restrictions that in the process of compounding. Affixes, added before the root of a word in order to create a new one, like im- in impossible, fit into the category of prefixes. This type of affix usually functions as a determinant of the word it is prefixed to. [30] The majority of prefixes maintain the word class of the base, whereas suffixes do change it. Only when modifying the meaning of the word, prefixes appear to be less common than suffixes. [31] The process of adding an affix to a root of a word is called suffixation. Suffixes are divided into inflectional (denoting grammatical categories -s, -ed) and derivational suffixes (denoting lexical information). [32] 4. 1. Classification Seiffert classifies the process of creating a new word, containing foreign elements, as the following: either it happens by the complete takeover of two free lexemes, two confixes, or by combining a confix and a free lexeme, which has to be analyzed as a compound. The combination of an affix and a free lexeme as well as a confix and an affix fits into the category of derivatives. Focusing on the status of the second constituent as criteria for a further sub classification, she becomes more precise by differencing between the categories: Suffixderivate’ (second constituent is an affix), Prafixderivate (second constituent is a free lexeme) and Konfixderivation. Although this categorization is marked by heterogeneity, caused by the affixes, it still has the disadvantage that several new words, structural and semantically similar to the classes mentioned above, dont belong there. [33] 4. 2. Indigene and eurolatin systems English and German, as Barz marks, share the same historical background (from a diachronic perspective) and thus have similarities in their lexical and word structure. Furthermore, both languages consist of the same amount of foreign lexical constituents of Latin, Roman and Greek origin. Referring to Barz, the latter aspect allows the opportunity to use two different subsystems to form words. The first includes indigene word formation processes. Desolating word elements (nonnative) on the other hand focuses on the word formation processes dealing with foreign word elements. Mainly these forms are the result of hybridization. Those Greek and Latin elements for instance are highly effective to extend the scientific thesaurus and thus dominate the word formation process in the thematic fields of science, techniques, and the society. [34] However, to analyze a word regarding if it is loanword or a creation one should not only concentrate on the synchronic analysis but also take the diachronic perspective into account. Again, the diachronic analysis mainly examines whether the word in question is a loan transfer or the result of word formation processes by having taken over external word elements, such as affixes. Analyzing a linguistic unit from a ynchronic perspective the stress is on the matter of viability of a word as a morpheme. [35] Foreign lexemes serve as a pattern in order to easy the development of new structures, which turn out to be productive. Therefore the terms reactivation (Reaktivierung) and morphemization (Morphematisierung) became quite common. This means that existing word segments from a Source Language are carried over to the Receptor Language and serve as constituents to form new words. It is most likely that this process might be a result of hybridization. The constituent is going to be translated and transferred to the Receptor Language. Barz would see the word Burger in German as a free lexeme, which comes from the word hamburger, whereas seller would be treated as a confix. Moreover this explains the acceptance of foreign (eurolatin) affixes in the German language system, such as ex-, mini-, top-, and -ing. [36] Seiffert adds the prefixes super-, mega, -ultra-, and hyper-. In general, prefixes tend to form verbs as suffixes tend to form nouns. She emphasizes that nonnative prefixes, expressing an augmentation or negation,[37] have the highest rank in German word formation and thus are actively used to be connected with German word elements. Again, it is quite striking that the addition nearly operates without any restrictions. [38] Fleischer supports this statement regarding newly developed verb prefixes which, he states, are closer to the process of nominal compounding and therefore dont show any difficulty in connection with eurolatin lexemes, as ein-, aus-, and um-. But with reference to the older or classic verb prefixes, Fleischer claims the hybridization with foreign lexemes as not very active and unproductive. [39] However, it is possible to combine eurolatin prefixes either with foreign roots as in supermodern or with native roots[40] as in hypergenau. Even complex or compounded bases seem to work with regard to the suffixation, there exists certain restrictions. [41] Having a closer look at this derivational process, its recognizable that there are two ways of suffixation. First would be the combination of a native suffix adding to a foreign lexeme, and second, the combination of an indigen lexeme with a nonnative suffix. Obviously, foreign suffixes in general only seem to connect with nonnative word elements. So, a hybridization of foreign suffixes and native lexemes in this case seems unlikely. Then again, the other way around turns out to be effective, as it could be seen in words ending with -isch and -ung. Seiffert claims the reason to that has to do with the phonological distinctiveness of the eurolatin suffixes, as they tend to carry the stress of the word, whereas indigen suffixes dont. This would mean that words that carry the stress on the last syllable contradicts to words with a native suffix. [42] Furthermore, Muller realises a tendency towards native suffix, which leads to better chances of integration of the foreign lexeme whereas the other process causes an alienation of the native lexeme and therefore the whole word. 43] Concerning prefixes, it would be the other way around. Since the prefixes maintain the same word category their function of integration is limited and less strong. A native prefix with a foreign lexeme integrates less. The tendency to combine a nominal as well as a verbal prefix and a nonnative lexeme is therefore low. On the other hand, the connection of a nonnative verbal prefix and a native lexeme is supposed to work better. An exception, with reference to Fleischer, would be the prefixes: de-, dies-, in-, per-, pro-, and re-. 44] Now still the question arises if these two systems, the indigen and the eurolatin one, are competing against each other. Since both systems exists parallel and could cross, which would be hybridization, are commonly used in present- day German word formation. Indeed, as it is observed with prefixes kon/ko versus poly, the foreign suffix -ion and the indigen suffix -ung, + are both used to form nomina actionis out of nonnative verbs (Refomation versus Reformierung). 45] This phenomenon occurs in foreign lexemes and the suffix. Here, the native suffix and the foreign suffix can be seen as rivals, as it works the same with the prefixes (indigen versus eurolatin), which are added to native lexeme. [46] One could assume that finally a word could exist doubly or a substitution could take place. A ccording to Seiffert, there are several reasons to deny this thesis of double words, as for instance the economy of a language usually will never allow the existence of two identical lexical words. Furthermore, the numerous appearances of hybrid elements in the area of derivational prefixation, for instance, stress an amalgation of native word formation and eurolatin word formation. This supports the idea of Barz that both systems are depending on each other, as complementing each other. [47] Fleischer finally mentions the importance of the semantic meaning. Not all native derivational foreign affixes cover the range of meaning, the native affix does and vice versa. They only partly ntersect, as for example the nonnative element extra- tends to connect with noun and adjectives, whereas the native equivalent sondern- only combines with nouns. [48] Taking all facts into consideration, to keep the best opportunity of forming new words, both systems are needed. 4. 3. The foreign suffix ing Beside the group of nominal compositions , including adjective+ suffix, noun + noun, the suffix -ing belongs the category of verbal compositions, consisting of adjective+verb+ suffix, noun + ver b+ suffix, verb+er, and verb + interrogative. 49] A view in the historical background of English shows that -ing in present- day English, is the result of a merger, starting in the 12th century, affecting the forms of the first participle as well as the verbal nouns / gerundial forms. The pattern- ing occurs in deverbal derivation und seems to be quite productive and therefore formally transparent. In the German language system, the original forms have been preserved (-ung/-ende). Therefore the pattern -ing is alien, as well as, in several other languages. The process of borrowing -ing would be more restricted since the pattern -ing is normally expressed by the substantive infinitive. Here Hansen intentional excludes the derivation – ung. This leaves two ways of dealing with the pattern – ing, in particular. Either words, containing the deverbal derivation are directly transferred and remain unique, or they become replaced by the native equivalent – en, which is preferred for forming nouns. Even problems in pronunciation might make it hard for the pattern to be transferred to other languages, since the phoneme /? is not available in sound structure of most European countries. To analyze the morphological and phonological integratability of ing, Hansen compared two categories (activity/ process versus results /concrete objects). According to Hansen the usage of -ing in loanwords, denoting activities is predominant, where 50% of them are transparent. The derivational morpheme -ing denoting a result are rare and in t ransparent. Mostly they morphological resemble other loan words in the same semantic fields and thus are like to be replaced. In terms of morphology Haugen states that the tendency towards the usage of English derivatives, which are attached to native stems has decreased, whereas an increase of transferring unadapted loan words is noticeable. This simplifies the creation of loan morphemes like ing. Hansen does not see lot productivity in this. But other suffixes as -man and -ist turned out quite productive, so he suggests using -ing as pseudo Anglicism. As a conclusion Hansen stresses that the pattern- ing has small chance to integrate in other language in a way that is added to a native stem. The suffix -ing as: †not readily identifiable with a native morpheme is not combined withnative stems[ ] ing will increase in terms of the number of adopted loanwords, which contain them, [ ] ing is unlikely to be used to derive new words on native stems. †[50] In general, he states that English derived verbs have more difficulties in integrating. [51] With regards to my corpus, I can agree to Hansens statement in so far as all words, ending with the pattern -ing are of English origin and not consisting of a German native word stem, where -ing, as a suffix is added. Reverse- Engineering, Cafe-hopping, Feinstaubscreening and Venenstripping would serve as examples. Although some words contain German elements, the pattern – ing always appears at the end of an English word (engineering, hopping, screening and stripping). The productivity of -ing as suffix would increase, if it was possible to add it to a great number of German verbs and acts as foreign suffix. Analyzing the corpus Barz claims that although there are quite a number of words in German, ending with -ing. But mostly the whole word is transferred from English words, like Walking, Doping. Furthermore the words are able to combine with German word elements, such as Blut- ,Kinder- ,Wachstumsdoping, which happens frequently But still the question is not yet answered whether the possibility exists to use -ing as suffix , added to German indigene word elements and if this process is productive. Referring to Barz these word constructions are rare, at the moment. The only exception would be the word Mieting, invented by a car rental service. This combination is very eye-catching and evokes the feeling of trendyness and wittiness. Then again, having a look on the Internet the pattern ing, used as derivational suffix, appears frequently. Examples for this are the following words, Faulenzing, Dauerzocking, Power-gassigehing. She assumes that these words, describing leisure activities, are lexically modeled after anglicisms, like Jogging, Walking or Inline skating. Barz here assumes that the usage of -ing might be a way of intentionally marking certain sequences as noun. Apparently there seem to be no limitations, regarding the phonological and morphological structures; -ing appears to be capable of combining with the majority of German verbs. This leads Barz to the conclusion, that one can assume -ing to become a productive element in German word formation, exerting as suffix to verbs and thus turning them into nouns by changing

Sunday, November 24, 2019

China Revolution essays

China Revolution essays In the 19th century, China had a lot new treaties and wars breaking out, all throught the 19th century. Some are like the Opium War(s), The Boxer Rebellion, and Sphere of Influence. These things were a big part of Chinas history. The Opium War was two wars fought between Great Britain and China in whom Western powers gained significant commercial privileges and territory. The Opium Wars began when the Chinese government tried to stop the illegal importation of opium by British merchants. The First Opium War started in 1839 when the Chinese government confiscated opium warehouses in Guangzhou (Canton). Britain responded by sending an expedition of warships to the city in February 1840. The British won a quick victory and the conflict was ended by the Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing) on August 29, 1842. By this treaty, and a supplementary one signed on October 8, 1843, China was forced to pay a large indemnity, open five ports to British trade and residence, and cede Hong Kong to Great Britain. The treaty also gave British citizens in China the right to be tried in British courts. Other Western powers demanded, and were granted, similar privileges. In October 1856, Guangzhou police boarded the British ship Arrow and charged its crew with smuggling. Eager to gain more trading rights, the British used the incident to launch another offensive, precipitating the Second Opium War. British forces, aided by the French, won another quick military victory in 1857. When the Chinese government refused to ratify the Treaty of Tianjin, which had been signed in 1858, the hostilities resumed. In 1860, after British and French troops had occupied Beijing and burned the Summer Palace, the Chinese agreed to ratify the treaty. The treaty opened additional trading ports, allowed foreign emissaries to reside in Beijing, admitted Christian missionaries into China, and opened travel to the Chinese interior. Later negotiations legalized the ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Corporate Information Strategy and Management Essay

Corporate Information Strategy and Management - Essay Example The scenario in the world of business is changing every now and then with new entrants in the market making sincere attempts to make it to the top. Any organization either to survive or compete in the industry needs to re-formulate its strategy keeping in view the market condition and rivals. According to Grant (Bowman, E.H and Helfat, C.E., 2001) business strategy deals with the ways in which a single business firm or an individual business unit of a larger firm competes within a particular industry market whereas corporate strategy deals with the ways in which a corporation manages a set of business together. Chew E.K. and Gottschalk, P. (2009) states that strategy is about creating a competitively differentiated position to win customers in the marketplace. Yannis and Treacy (1986) mentioned that senior executives, strategic planners and information system managers are nowadays formulating policies to include information technology to achieve competitive advantage in the industry market. The technology offers great array of capabilities at lower costs that has motivated the companies to utilize the technology for better decision making process. Information technology is useful in trying to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of current organization and out maneuver the others in the competition. The components of corporate strategy, which include internal, competitive and business portfolio strategy, are affected by information technology that improves the efficiency of the firm's operation. It has become necessary in today's competitive climate for every business organization to utilize the information technology in its operations to achieve the objectives in scheduled time. Therefore the present study intends to find the importance of information technology as part of corporate strategy and its usefulness to the management and also to evaluate its impact during the turbulent times of recession when most of the companies were going bankrupt and filing for liquidation. Research Question The present study is research on the importance of information technology in corporate organizations and management in taking decisions with regard to achieving the objectives through various literature reviews. It is intended to study the impact of IT strategy in development of company's internal strategy and how it is useful in attaining its goals and objectives. Therefore, a short study will be carried out in one of the organizations to study its corporate information strategy and how it is effective in taking managerial decision making process. Review of literature Arquilla and Borer (2007, p.4) relating information strategy to history mentioned that the first giant leap came with electrical telegraph that allowed information to move at the speed which was unheard at that time. And presently, Information Technology (IT) is referred to as wildcard in business by Applegate et al (2008, p.1), a source of opportunity and uncertainty, of advantage and risk. It is further stated that the evolution of technology, work and workforce over the past 40 years has dramatically influenced the concept of organizations and the industries and IT is not considered as a back office transactions tool, it has become a strategic part of businesses enabling the redefinition of markets and industries and strategies and designs of firm

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

People Environment and Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

People Environment and Business - Essay Example This confirms that natural resource exploitation has the capacity to cause imbalances in ecosystems as wells other effects, which may not be reversible. This informs this study on possible environmental effects that Iran experiences in the process or because of exploiting oil. General issues that are of concern to Iran have been vehicle gaseous emissions, operations by refineries as well as effluents by industries, which together contribute towards air contamination, water sources pollution as well as general environmental degradation. For instance, the city of Tehran in Iran ranks among the most polluted cities across the globe. Among other major environmental concerns, that are of great importance and which are being analyzed in depth are issues of environmental pollution from exploitation of oil as a natural resource in the country (Narimisa and Basri, 334-337). The world is increasingly in need for oil and associated products, which causes the rate of exploitation of this natural resource to increase as days go by. The ever-increasing uses into which oil is put into raises the demand of this non-renewable resource. It is widely used for industrial purposes, as a source of fuel to both domestic users as well as industries, in production of electricity as well as for locomotives, which accounts to the highest use into which oil is put. In studies on assessment of social impact associated with exploitation of oil in Iran this study projects future affects the environment in continued exploitation of the resources. Iran is however ranked among the great producers of oil and has amassed great economic wealth through the exploitation of oil globally. In concentrated efforts to study the case in Iran, we investigate oil refinery at Tehran, which has major environmental effects on emissions of gasses, solid wastes, industrial effluents, odor, aesthetic and visual complains as well as noise. However, it is worth understanding that the case study of Tehran oil refini ng is a representation of many other industries within the larger Iran. Air pollution within the country as associated with oil exploitation result from firing processes, furnaces, steam boilers, compressors as well as distillation towers among many others. The major air pollutants from oil exploitation and refining include carbon oxides, oxides of nitrogen and sulfur, ammonia as well as hydrocarbons among others. Water pollution emanates from discharging of the industrial effluents into the water sources either directly or indirectly through contaminating underground water, which later contaminates the surface waters. The process of producing sludge, coke, cracking as well as the process of separation of water and oil produces solid wastes which without proper disposition results to degradation of the environment. Over and above all the adverse effects on environment, that exploitation of oil in Iran brings about is the demolition of ecosystems. Evidence shows that the exploitation causes mass marine as well as land environment degradation through excavations, which are associated with destruction of aesthetic value of the country. In conclusion, despite

Sunday, November 17, 2019

3 Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

3 Questions - Essay Example They were able to reduce their first class fares around 20-50% while regular coach fares were cut down by around 38% because of this innovative pricing strategy. Airline travels usually varies based on the seasons and the global political atmosphere. Business people and tourists were the main passengers of airliners and hence their numbers may vary based on the political and seasonal (climatic) variations in the world. So the airliners are adjusting their prices based on these variations in seasons. Another pricing strategy most of the airliners using are the bonuses for the more air miles travelled by the passenger using the same airline. This strategy will prompt the passengers to select the same airline for their future traveling needs in order to utilize the bonuses. Overbooking, discount fare traveling and carefully structured traffic management help the American airlines to ensure maximum passengers in every flight. The customers will often look for more options if the airliners are not flexible enough to reduce their prices. Moreover in a globalized environment the competition is immense in airline industry and hence only the cheaper prices ensure maximum passengers on flights. In every industry the pricing decisions and strategies must be decided based on the competition in the market. In a monopolized market the service provider has the complete freedom over fixing the prices of their product or services where as in a competitive market the pricing decisions and strategies may depend on other suppliers and external environments as well. Airline industry is a highly competitive industry because of the excessive number of private and public air passenger carriers. Most of the airliners experience shortage of passengers most of the times and hence pricing strategies are important for the existence of airliners. In some seasons the airliners will experience busy seasons and hence

Friday, November 15, 2019

How Mature is Mature?

How Mature is Mature? Society, as a whole, automatically assumes that all eighteen year olds are mature enough to be considered adults. If this is the case, why are eighteen year old adults not considered old enough to go to a bar and drink. How is it that eighteen year olds, fresh out of high school, are mature enough to sign up to get sent away from their families to fight in wars. Eighteen is not mature: but whos to say when someone is actually mature? People develop at their own pace, it does not make sense to put everyone into categories by age group because not everyone in that age group is at the same maturity level. Studies have proven that the current drinking law in the United States does not prevent underaged drinking, currents drinking laws actually encourage dangerous binge drinking across the country. Forty percent of college students, ages eighteen through twenty three have shown signs of alcohol abuse and/or alcohol dependence (College presidents seek debate on drinking age.). That does not include every college across the United States or all of the teenagers (eighteen through twenty three) that did not enroll in college at all, the number of young adults and drinking problems is much higher than what researchers have found in a small quantity of teenagers throughout America. Society has drilled into our minds that twenty one is when people are mature enough to drink but research shows that twenty one year olds still drink just as irresponsibly as an eighteen year old high school student does. There is actually not much of a difference in maturity between eighteen and twenty one. There are actual federal records that prove this statement. One hundred and fifty seven people ages eighteen through twenty three drank themselves to death proving there is not much of a maturity difference. You would assume the older and more mature the person is the more responsible when they drink which is obviously not the case. Recently there have been five hundred thousand injuries and one thousand seven hundred deaths in just one year due to people drinking between the ages eighteen through twenty one ( College presidents seek debate on drinking age.). Approximately one hundred eighty thousand eighteen year olds enlist in the American Armed Forces per year (joining the military). Why does society assume that an eighteen year old is mature enough to understand the life or death decision of going to war? These soldiers have no control over where they are to be sent to or for how long. Young soldiers do not see the future consequences to joining the United States military. Few soldiers never see war while they are serving but for the ones that do it causes lots of psychological disorders such as post traumatic disorder, or traumatic brain injury. Post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is a failure to recover after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Most veterans that suffer from PTSD experience night terrors, flashbacks, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Veterans with post traumatic stress disorder also have the tendency to avoid certain situations that could possibly bring back the trauma they desperately are trying to forget. More than three million veterans are diagnosed with PTSD per year and will have to suffer with this disorder for the rest of their lives. Traumatic brain injury or TBI is a brain dysfunction that is caused by an outside force such as a nearby bomb explosion or a violent blow to the head. Veterans that suffer from TBI often have headaches, seizures, dizziness, ringing in their ears and speech difficulties. These veter ans often times have problems that are not easily noticeable because it is all cognitive. TBI sufferers have sleep and visual disorders that are irreversible and these veterans will never get a break from this very harsh and very unmerciful brain dysfunction. More than two hundred thousand united states veterans are diagnosed with traumatic brain injury per year. How is it that Americans thinks it is okay to send our youth to a foreign country to defend our freedom and put themselves in a life or death situation with a gun in hand but can not be in their own native land that they risked their lives for with a beer in their hand? Americas youth does not realize that enrolling in the military regardless if they go to war or not makes them more vulnerable to mental disorders not including PTSD and TBI. Not only does it does it make their more vulnerable to mental disorders but they are more likely to commit suicide because of the harsh conditions they are put in and because of the awfu l things they have to deal with. They often become dependent on alcohol or drugs to try and cope with the memories and images permanently engraved in their minds. In conclusion, I feel that America as a whole should reconsider the age of maturity. Not saying that all eighteen year old teenagers are incapable of making wise decisions but that the majority of our youth, ages eighteen through twenty one, are expected to be mature and are sent off into the real world; most of them not having a clue what they are getting themselves into. Some teenagers are desperate to join the military for the free education and the benefits but do not understand the consequences that come along with it. If eighteen is too young to drink a beer then eighteen is too young to sign up to risk your life. Works Cited Alexander, Caroline. Blast Force. Blast Force | National Geographic, National Geographic, College presidents seek debate on drinking age. Modern Brewery Age, 25 Aug. 2008, p. 1. General OneFile, Accessed 27 Jan. 2017. - Joining the Military. Joining the Military,,13898,062006-who-joining-marines-today-myth-fact,,00.html? Accessed 20 Feb. 2017. Kids today and their negligence to vote. UWIRE Text, 13 Oct. 2016, p. 1. Educators Reference Complete, Accessed 7 Feb. 2017. Raloff, Janet. The dangers of vaping: teens are falling for flavored e-cigs, but the vapors they inhale may be toxic. Science News, 11 July 2015, p. 18+. Research in Context, Accessed 9 Feb. 2017. Masturbation: Prevention and Treatment | Article Review Masturbation: Prevention and Treatment | Article Review Jamie Burden Scholarly Article on the Prevention of Masturbation: The scholarly article under consideration is Masturbation: Prevention and the Treatment written by A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi first published in Procedia (A.Shekarey, 2011) as a peer reviewed scholarly article. The article investigates the topic of masturbation thoroughly. The author’s goal was to provide authentic evidence showing the ill effects of masturbation and the article is focused on providing a solution to the sexual addiction called masturbation. Within the articles they have discussed various scenarios that can be put to implementation in order to prevent masturbation. According to the authors a study conducted in Iran showed that Iranian men and women, ninety-two and sixty-two percent respectively, have masturbated during their life and no sexual activity is as controversial but common as masturbation (A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi, 2011). This study attempts to investigate the most important and the commonest s exual threat, masturbation, to teenagers and the youth, especially among the university students and to provide some information about physical, mental, spiritual, moral and ethical damages of masturbating (A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi, 2011). Further in the studies, the article explains the possible causes of masturbation. According to the journal there can be several reasons that can and will lead from sexual frustration and develop in to masturbation. They also discussed the ratio of masturbation among men and women, according to the journal men are more addicted to masturbation than women. They further state that teenagers are more than likely to start puberty when they are in high school, so they should be provided with enough knowledge of sexual harms and procedures (A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi, 2011). Masturbation is an action equally condemned by both the female teenagers and male teenagers. Although, there are several purposes a teenager will participate in this practice such as to avoid depression and tension in daily life. Authors highlighted the negative effects of the masturbation on the physical and mental health of the teenagers. Symptoms were also mentioned along with their social damages. Coming to the main aim of the paper, author gave enough ideas to treat and prevent the act of masturbation (A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi, 2011). In the conclusion the authors state that there can be several ways to satisfy the sexual desires; some are deemed acceptable and some are not. According to the journal masturbation is considered to be an unacceptable way of satisfying ones sexual desires. Teenagers should be better educated concerning the mental and physical damages that can be expected from masturbation when they begin puberty. Sex education should be provided through many scientific programs and therapies. It should be noted that a mentally and physically healthy teenager can become a resourceful youth. The guidance of parents and teachers should be there in order to clear all their doubts about a healthy sexual behavior. In short the authors tried to prove the ill effects of the masturbation through the statistics and primary sources. The study mainly targets the teenagers and children near puberty. According to them sexual education is the best way to prevent masturbation and other ill sexual habits (A.Shekarey, M.Sedaghat Rostami, Kh.Mazdai, A.Mohammadi, 2011). Popular Media Article on the Prevention of Masturbation: The popular media article that was chosen in regards to the prevention and the treatment of masturbation is How to Stop a Masturbation Addiction written by Gary Wickman this was first made available online from the website of the Healthy Guidance. In this article the author shows support in regards to the act of masturbation. According to Wickman masturbation is good for your sexual health in certain ways, but one should be moderate when it comes to the act of masturbation. Too much masturbation can affect your daily life and it can become highly addictive (Wickman, 2014). It is really important to control the addiction of masturbation, if not controlled even the slightest stimulation can cause sexual arousal. There are people that use masturbation as a form of self-medication with the intent of treating their various daily life issues. It is almost impossible to control daily issues, but remains imperative to control the addiction of masturbation, as excessive masturbation can be da maging in many ways (Wickman, 2014). The author Gary Wickman provides various techniques with the intent to control masturbation; he explains how one can be their own doctor and should have the knowledge of how to control ones desires. One should create rules and follow them strictly; such as masturbating only once a day. Along with that setting a time limit and strictly following this criteria will help with self-control. One of the most imperative things is to focus on the negative effects of masturbation; by teaching one’s self that time is valuable and should not be wasted by becoming addicted to masturbation and that becoming a person of self-control and the rules should not be broken. There are certain parts of the day, when one wants to masturbate or the desires for masturbation become stronger, by becoming involved with activities or hobbies during that time of day will help maintain self-control (Wickman, 2014). By determining the underlying causes of obsessive masturbation, whether it stems from sexual frustration or the physical vulnerability. Regardless of the reason, the opportunity allowing one to address the addiction directly rather than suppress the issue of masturbating will show to be more beneficial. In this article the author Gary Wickman targets the male and female audience whom are addicted to masturbation; his main focus was to provide addicts with various techniques to avoid over masturbation. Wickman did not use any scientific data or the public data statistics to prove his point and address the issue. He also used general methods as the remedy, not the medical and the psychological techniques. Critique: Both the scholarly article and the popular media article deal with the issue of the masturbation and provide different techniques to control or prevent the addiction of masturbation. According to both, the addiction of masturbation can be harmful for your mental or physical health. In the scholarly article, several statistics and primary references were given to prove the point. While in the popular media article no such types of references were given. Audiences are found to be different for both the articles; scholarly article is a journal published paper and addresses the teenagers hitting puberty on the other hand popular media article is for people with the addiction of the masturbation. Though, they both include the female and the males in their audiences. The greatest difference is found to be in the support of the actual act of masturbation. The scholarly paper clearly expresses disapproval of the idea masturbation and explains how it considers masturbating to be a great threat to the physical and the mental health of a person. While the Healthy Guidance article by Gary Wickman clearly states that it considers masturbation to be a healthy sexual activity. But does find that excessive masturbation can be dangerous for one’s health. Due to the published paper standard, scholarly article can be used as the primary source for the further research while the popular media article can only benefit the online audience. The main difference of presentation is the lack of the references in the popular media article. This makes it weak source for the further investigation. The scholarly article is beneficial in many ways for the audience in the similar religion country, but the popular media article is helpful for the population across the world with the masturbation addiction issue. Conclusion: The main aim of the paper is to investigate the outcomes of the sexual learning through popular media and the peer reviewed journals. There is a huge difference between the two. It is very much obvious that scholarly articles are based on a lot of research and the statistics and they usually deal with all type of problem in a particular discipline while the popular media articles only address the issues that are common and frequently asked for. One provides the formal sex education while the other provides general sex ideas. Sexual issues are sensitive issues and it is very much necessary to consult the article with the authentic views, popular media articles can be easy to find and access but they do not always provide all the necessary information that is pertinent to address the issue. By comparing both of the sources, there is one thing that can be highlighted effectively and that is the thoroughness provided. Scholarly articles are thorough in their findings and will always provide enough support to validate their point while the popular media article can be based on one’s assumption or the hypothesis. Scholarly journals are not usually accessible and are difficult to hunt down, popular media articles can be found on all the platforms. Therefore it can be concluded that both of the articles are an excellent source of knowledge, but scholarly articles prove to be more authentic; popular media articles are easily available but they usually speak of the general issues and favor general point of views. References A.Shekarey, M. R. (2011). Masturbation: Prevention and Treatment. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1641-1646. Wickman, G. (2014, October 18). How to Stop a Masturbation Addiction. . Retrieved from Health Guidance: Addiction.html

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Mildred Pierce - A Woman’s Place is in the Kitchen Essay -- Mildred Pi

Mildred Pierce - A Woman’s Place is in the Kitchen A woman’s Place is in the Kitchen. Mildred Pierce uses her talents as a cook to manipulate her way through the world. Mildred has her own style of characteristics. She is fast, active, swift and inescapable around the kitchen. She turns out to be wise and brilliant around many things. For example: running her business. Unfortunately, one thing she never did was use her gut to comprehend Veda. She did everything to please her but Veda was never satisfied. In the following paragraphs we will get to know our friend Mildred, her intentions, thoughts and how she handled her way through the world. Mildred has a cooking talent. She is a small woman with gorgeous, attractive legs. She used those attributes to survive a divorce and poverty and to claw her way out of the lower middle class (Cain, back of book). As she divorces Burt, husband, she begins an independent life working as a waitress. As Mildred becomes more and more successful around the restaurant she develops self-confidence and security. Mildred never cooked anything herself now or put on a uniform. (Cain 208) Mildred is always around the kitchen. This seems to be her devotion to life, her enjoyment, and her profession. It is how she gets around and pays the bills. Ahead we’ll see how her hardworking attitude brought her out of poverty and into a high-class businesswoman. In the beginning of the story we are described how she has been earning extra money from baking and designing superb and stunning cakes. Next, she brings out her talent by cooking dinner for Wally, as she tried to impress Wally to marry her so she’ll be able to survive out of her tragic days. She really was a marvelous cook, and he watched deli... ...using skills, tricks, shortcuts, and her proficient talent. Cooking takes Mildred from a quiet desperate woman to a successful business owner. Unfortunately, blinded by Veda, she looses everything she makes and remarries the man she loves or I can say is most comfortable with, Bert. Anyone who is good at something should make the best of it, at the same time should never be a fool for anything or anyone in this case, yes even for your children. Citations Alan, Gary. Kitchens: The culture of restaurant work. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1995. Cain, James. Mildred Pierce. New York: Random, 1941. Nick. Photos. British Film Institute, Woods, Nialle. Re-Imagining The Liberated Woman.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Chevron Assignment Essay

Nowadays, recycling, ecology, environmental protection †¦ are a part of everyday citizens, businesses, politicians; an awareness that has allowed the development of an economic sector and the creation of new jobs. The global warming has increased our awareness towards the planet and its future. In more and more countries, new regulations have been introduced by the government to reduce the amount of pollution. The industrial revolution of our century has put in danger our living resources, nature, and thus potentially putting at risk our own future lifestyle. One of the most pollution producers are the oil or petroleum industries. In this essay we will examine the case of Chevron Corporation which is one of the biggest petrol producers in the world. The company operates approximately 24000 services stations in more than 180 and has over 62000 employees worldwide. (Hoovers inc 2012). We will first examine and discuss the negative impact of this industry on the environment, so therefore on the society, and then we will see how Chevron’s corporation is proceeding to achieve their goal: â€Å"we believe that is the right thing to do and that is critical to our success in a world in which energy sources should be compatible with an environment that’s clean, safe and healthy†. (Hoovers inc 2012) Negative impact on environment of Chevron Corporation. Extraction of petrol itself is not without consequences on local ecosystems, although, as in any industries, the risks can be reduced by vigilant practices. While these fossil fuels can be extracted in a way that environment can be preserved, government and oil companies choose generally, the speed and the efficacy, rather than respect for the environment or the interests of local people, most affected by production. One of the most extreme case of oil exploitation of the rainforest is the equator, where the U. S. oil giant, Chevron-Texaco (now known as the Chevron), seriously damaged the ecosystem of Ecuador for a generation. (Chevron Corporation 2012, 32) This petroleum operation affected more than 30000 Indigenes and settlers homes. However as we noted, this degradation has been punished by the government of equator who fined Chevron corporation 18 billion dollars of compensation (Environment News Service 2012) As shown above the risk of producing oil can be very big. The example, the pollution in equator shows a lack of professionalism and mastery of Chevron Corporation for 18 years. Another example of Chevron’s negligence is the case in Brazil where a leak in one of the drills has caused an oil spillage. In the past, at least 2,400 barrels of crude were spilled into the Atlantic, in the block Campo do Frade, 370 km north-east coast of Rio. ( Jeff Fick 2012) In March 4 2012, a new leak was detected 3 km from the first and nearly 1300 metres deep, of more than 3400 of crude barrels, triggering the suspension of activities of Chevron in Brazil. ( Brazil 2012) Such example provides evidence that this incident could affect the entire marine ecosystem of the region, which could lead to an extinction of some species and thus could have an impact on the  economic activities of the area. For instance, those fishing area may be closed for a long or a short period because of the risk of contamination by oil. The contaminated fishes could have a serious effect on human health if some were used for consumption. From this perspective, the fishery sector of the area affected could see their economy decrease if consumers stop buying their products (Global Marine Oil Pollution Information getaway 2002). As a consequence, the petroleum activities of Chevron Corporation in Brazil have been temporarily stopped. Another fine of 42 millions euro was given to them by Brazil government, but also 17 high level staffs of the industry are prosecuted and will have to pay a fine of 1 million reais, which represent 415000 Euros. (Brazil 2012) Positive impact of Chevron Corporation in environment and stakeholders health. While Chevron Corporation activities in Brazil or equator have been described as negative for the environment, this has not always been the case. Chevron Corporation deployed a program in 2007, the ESHIA (Environment, Social and Health impact assessment process) to anticipate and avoid any negative impacts on health and environment. Chevron has also made a biodiversity statement which expresses its commitment to incorporating biodiversity consideration, as part of their ESHIA program (Chevron 2011). For instance, the Salak project inside one of Indonesia’s biggest national park has for main purposes to preserve the biodiversity in this area. They work with the local farmers to protect species, such as, gibbons, hawk eagles and leopards. Chevron also received an award by Indonesia community for Best Environmental Management during their operations at Salak. Such example provides evidence of chevron commitments with regards to environmental issues while helping the world meet their need for energy. Stakeholders, such as employees are probably the ones who can be the most affected by Chevron toxic pollution during the extraction of oils. They work day by day surrounded by dark smoke, petroleum and without some good health measures their well being could be seriously in danger. We understand why, Chevron Corporation has invested a lot on employees’ health. From this perspective, cost related to employees’ health, or productivity can be considerately improved. The Argentina cases during 2009, where nearly 800000 people were seriously affected by the flu H1N1 in only 6 months, can show how well Chevron Argentina, has managed it within the industry. By multipronged strategy, only 20 employees, which represent 6. 8% of the business, were affected by the disease. Furthermore, in 2010 Chevron introduced a training program over the problem of tuberculosis. ( Chevron 2011) The high rating of tuberculosis in the world pushed them to invest in this cause. For instance, the provincial program which fights against tuberculosis, in Cabinda, Angola, has benefited from a donation of several drugs and diagnostic facilities, under the initiative of the Chevron Corporation in October 2011. ( Chevron 2011) The evidences above demonstrate that Chevron is really implicated into the well being of the society. By fighting those scourges, like H1N1 or Tuberculosis, Chevron enhance its image in its fight to maintain people’s health while at the same time doing all they can to better respect the environment. Apart from its implication in the health field, Chevron is also taking measures which aimed reduce its energy consumption as more as possible and therefore pollute less. One of the most effective ways is the use of Energy Efficiency, which is one of the most valuable sources of new energy. (Chevron on Track to Achieve 20 Percent Production-Growth Target by 2017 2012 ). As describe in Chevron website, the use of Energy Efficiency is highly beneficial because it reduces carbon emissions, lowers cost and it helps Chevron to conserves its supplier. For example, according to Chevron Corporation a reduction of 5% in global energy we use can reduce the extraction of petroleum by 10 millions barrels per day, which represent enough energy to supply Australia, United Kingdom and Mexico. ( Chevron 2011) We believe that in order to meet the world demand for energy, Chevron cannot forget about oil, which is one of the most polluted materials in the world to use, and focus their work only on renewable energy and efficiency energy as this will reduced their competitive level. However as the world is more and more concern in environmental issues, it is clear that renewable energy technologies that are scalable, sustainable and profitable will take gradually take over from the traditional sources of energy. Conclusion The petroleum conglomerates are easy targets for environmentalists. Their operations are very noticeable, and create a dramatic impact on the local economy and local social conditions. Chevron mistake among the management of its pollution, in Argentina, but especially in the Ecuadorian forest, reveals all the negative impact they had on the community and the environment of the area. However, as local communities are recovering from profits of oil development, while shouldering the majority of social and environmental costs, it is easy to see why the contribution of oil development in the destruction of the environment is often exaggerated. It is by critical episode like Argentina or Ecuador drama, that people ultimately judge those companies. In contrast, when examining Chevron commitment with regards to people’s health and respect on the environment, (with organization such as ESHIA) the evidence demonstrates that Chevron care a lot about all these issues. They are also working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, by working on new technologies which could in a near future change our world. In light of this, we can conclude by saying that Chevron has consistently met the needs of their stakeholders in most operation, apart from those mistakes we know.

Friday, November 8, 2019

People Skills in the Digital Age essays

People Skills in the Digital Age essays Social Engineering and Owning the Box I once worked as a Security guard for Quebecor World in Lincoln, NE. Nothing glamorous by any means, but unique in the fact that my 5.75 an hour rent-a-cop security guard job required me to go through a 1 month background check complete with credit records and criminal record pulls, interviews with the State Patrol, and multiple inquiries into my previous employment history. Why would this be necessary for such a mundane job? Who cares about the criminal background of a security guy on third shift at a printer? Quebecor prints, among other things, AOL CDs and pre-approved credit card applications and has at any time several hundred thousand names, addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers, and social security numbers in (relatively) plain view. The dumpsters are locked outside. A special shredder devours waste paper into confetti pieces smaller than the end of an infants little fingernail, and then shreds them again. Not that these precautions are not a good start, but in about 10 minutes, an employee inside with a grudge or someone with access to some money can enlist the help of a for profit company to reconstruct paper shreddings into a semblance of the original document or just walk out of the facility outright with thousands of peoples private lives in their hands. Noticed anything unusual in your credit report lately? In this paper I researched social engineering. I examine a bit of its history, designate it as a non-technical means of obtaining information about and ultimately entry into a computer information system, I looked at two prominent old school social engineers. I then describe some basic precautions that are effective no matter what level of information system is employed. Social engineering, and its related type of information attack dumpster diving, is IT slang for using non-technical means to compromise an information system. It is...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Legalization Of Marijauna

Legalization of marijuana I choose this topic basically because we as citizens of the United States have a basic right to make choices for ourselves as long as their actions do not harm others. Responsible individuals (Possibly at the age of 18) should be allowed to choose whether or not they use marijuana. We place a high value on the principles of individuality, liberty, and freedoms of thought and are government should stand by that. The government is wasting our time and money by prohibiting marijuana. Taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to persecute, prosecute, and incarcerate individuals while the government ignores more important issues like fighting the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Prohibiting marijuana is not an effective solution to the problems associated with marijuana use because just like when alcohol was prohibited before it caused more problems like the organized crime that supported it. We understand that marijuana, like tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, can be abused. But the harms associated with marijuana are less than those associated with tobacco and alcohol, and they are not sufficient reason to justify making marijuana illegal. In conclusion I think we should take a lesson from what we have learned from our history. Alcohol prohibition did not work, and there is no logical reason to believe that marijuana prohibition is a better idea. My final comment is that our government should stop taxing us for the â€Å"War on Weed† and tax the people who buy marijuana and use it for the greater cause of our country.... Free Essays on Legalization Of Marijauna Free Essays on Legalization Of Marijauna Legalization of marijuana I choose this topic basically because we as citizens of the United States have a basic right to make choices for ourselves as long as their actions do not harm others. Responsible individuals (Possibly at the age of 18) should be allowed to choose whether or not they use marijuana. We place a high value on the principles of individuality, liberty, and freedoms of thought and are government should stand by that. The government is wasting our time and money by prohibiting marijuana. Taxpayers are forced to pay billions of dollars to persecute, prosecute, and incarcerate individuals while the government ignores more important issues like fighting the war on terror and the war in Iraq. Prohibiting marijuana is not an effective solution to the problems associated with marijuana use because just like when alcohol was prohibited before it caused more problems like the organized crime that supported it. We understand that marijuana, like tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs, can be abused. But the harms associated with marijuana are less than those associated with tobacco and alcohol, and they are not sufficient reason to justify making marijuana illegal. In conclusion I think we should take a lesson from what we have learned from our history. Alcohol prohibition did not work, and there is no logical reason to believe that marijuana prohibition is a better idea. My final comment is that our government should stop taxing us for the â€Å"War on Weed† and tax the people who buy marijuana and use it for the greater cause of our country....

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Australopithecus sediba Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Australopithecus sediba - Assignment Example At the same time, I applied the piecemeal approach which involves reading key sections of the paper and skimming the figures first. There is a lot of information about Australopithecus sediba among other pre-humans in the scientific article while the press articles emphasized on the key features of the fossils. The two press articles are like a summary of the scientific article written in a more-easy-to understand language. The science article also has details like the actual size of the various parts of the fossil while such information is omitted in the press articles. The methodologies of the study are explained in details in the scientific article while using scientific terminologies that ordinary people find difficult to understand. The press articles have not described the methodology applied while conducting the study because the reporters were targeting ordinary people who might have very little or no understanding of the scientific terminologies used to describe scientific methodologies. The methodologies described in the scientific article confirm that the study is reliable and that the findings made are accurate. The scientific paper is more detailed compared to the two press articles. The scientific article had background information like the relationship between Australopithecus sediba and other pre-humans such as the Australopithecus Africanus while the press articles focused on the Australopithecus sediba alone. Opinions of the researchers that are beyond the findings made are left out in the scientific paper while in-depth scientific details such as the scientific methodologies applied during the research were left out in the press articles. Some of the comments are in the press articles are supporting the argument raised and further elaborating the topic at hand while others are criticizing the argument. For instance, some people argue

Friday, November 1, 2019

Health and Safety Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Health and Safety - Assignment Example Management is an authoritative field that is meant to cater for the needs of the workers in an organization. Health and safety policy Health and safety management system is made of several elements. Among them are the health and safety policies. Health and safety policies are structured to monitor the operations of the organization regarding the welfare of workers. Some of the major specifications of the health policy specify the role of individuals while others outline the roles of an organization. Health policy gives specific individuals the mandate to assign responsibility for the identification of applicable regulations and acts. The document elaborates on the use of health procedures. Under this section, the organization is subjected to monitor health and safety legislations, building codes as well as health and safety legislations. The document also deals with the recording of data and keeping of health and safety information. It provides the employee with the rights to view he alth document as it gives employees the accessibility to legal health documents. Health policies specify on the updating of legal health records. The document outlines the procedures that have been put in place to track legislation as well as other health and safety requirements. It provides a clause that employees have a right to training after a legal procedure of recruitment in their area of specialization. Legislation Health and safety management system standard program has a legislative system whose function is to access and identify new proposed as well as existing health and safety legislations. Management responsibilities are outlined and allocated responsibilities are outlined and allocated. The applicable legal acts include: health and safety legislations, environmental legislation and building codes. A procedure shall also be put in place to track developments and key alterations to the health and safety requirements. The system implies that employees affected by the heal th and safety management alterations shall receive training concerning the legislations which are applicable to their jobs. Internal responsibility system The program advocates for an establishment of an internal responsibility system which will monitor the health and safety policies and enforce their implementations. Responsibilities of all levels of management are specified to ensure systematic performance and efficiency of the system. All responsibilities in the program are designed to make room for the institution of a Joint Health and safety committee. The system also provides a format for the selection of the Joint Health and Safety committee. Worker rights Another element is the worker’s rights. The health and safety act states that procedure for ensuring that workers rights are guaranteed by the occupational health and safety act. The occupation health and safety act provides the employees with the right to information and awareness. The main objective of the occupati onal health and safety act is to ensure that the working environment is suitable for the performance of work. This includes the elimination of all form of risks around the working environment. The right to information at work is the basic human right according to the occupational